Kenward Will Change Lives Ball

Kenward Trust was so proud to host our very first Kenward Will Change Lives Ball on Saturday, 15th March at the Mercure Hotel, Maidstone.

It truly was an amazing night, which not only raised money, but also awareness for Kenward Trust’s Think Differently youth work in schools.

A huge thank you to all the generous people who helped to make a difference and to save young lives..

We will be doing it all again next year on 7th March - more details to follow soon!

About Kenward Trust

Founded in 1968, Kenward Trust is a charity based in Kent that saves lives every day from alcohol and drugs, homelessness and crime.

We help people to transform their lives and create a new future away from their addictions.

Our work spans from sessions in schools delivering early education and interventions, through to residential rehab and providing a home for residents to settle back into the community to continue their journey of recovery.

Helping transform the lives of people experiencing addiction and homelessness for 56 years - Giving hope and recovery from addiction

Kenward Trust offers residential rehabilitation in Kent for those with alcohol and drug addiction issues, as well as follow-on resettlement accommodation, to provide a safe home on the journey of recovery. We support family and friends of those affected by addiction and you can either self-refer for treatment directly, or you can be referred from an external agency.

At Kenward Trust, we give residents choices on how to manage their own recovery, through a structured programme. In Kenward House, we take a Therapeutic Community approach, which is a participative, group-based method for treating alcohol and drug addiction, as well as retaining many aspects of the Recovery Model of treatment delivery, where recovery is seen as more of a journey, rather than an aim of treatment.

In The Barn, we offer a safe place to find and develop an understanding of the 12 Step Programme, designed for people to help one another achieve and maintain abstinence from their addiction.

We also provide ‘a safe place to call home’ for those on their journey of recovery from addiction to stay in our Resettlement Programme. This begins with a stay at Stage 2 Resettlement at Kenward, before proceeding on to one of our Stage 3 Move On projects at sites across Kent and East Sussex. The length of stay in these projects is generally up to two years. We offer regular support from their Key Worker but they are encouraged to become active in the community through volunteering and linking in with recovery groups available in the area.

Our Vision, Mission and Values underpin the way we help people in crisis. We aim to reach out to those who are on the margins of society and we believe that everyone deserves a second chance. People with mental and physical health needs; people who seek the road to recovery.

Kenward Services

Our centre offers residential rehab in Kent, based on the Recovery Model and empowers people to take control of their life and experiences in order to transform their life away from addiction and homelessness.

We work closely with schools and the community, throughout Kent and Medway, providing a preventative, early intervention and outreach substance abuse service.

We provide ‘a safe place to call home’ for those experiencing addiction and homeless issues, whilst steadily reintegrating them back into the community.


Help us save a life - young or old; our services start in schools at early intervention to adults who need to overcome their addiction in a residential setting.

Your donation will go towards our team of amazing professionals who help people that are experiencing alcohol and drug addiction and homelessness in Kent and East Sussex.

Work for us

Would you like to join our incredible team in their life-saving work?

Are you passionate about helping people turn their lives around?

We have a series of opportunities to help make a difference, develop your skills and work with dedicated and passionate professionals in a residential rehab facility.

Find out what’s been happening at Kenward Trust…