Addiction Awareness Week 2022

Addiction Awareness Week is a campaign run by Taking Action on Addiction, and this year’s campaign focuses on the stigma attached to addicts and why it needs to change.

In 2021, they conducted a poll which demonstrated that, “there is still a major gap in numbers between those affected by and those with an understanding of addiction. We found that 64% of people in the UK know someone with an addiction yet 42% said they know very little about it.” You can read more about their findings on their website.

Tackling stigma is essential, as the shame associated with addicts and addictive behaviour often means that people do not seek help when they need it. Addiction should be treated as a mental health illness in the same way as every other health condition.

Taking Action on Addiction’s website goes on to say, “Addiction is a serious mental illness that has a devastating impact on people’s lives. This must be recognised at all levels of government and society, through healthcare and mental health policy and provision and through support services across the UK. This recognition must be matched with support that works with people to overcome addiction and bring about positive change in their lives.”

At the launch of this campaign, the Princess of Wales said, “Addiction is not a choice. No one chooses to become an addict. But it can happen to any one of us. None of us are immune. Yet it’s all too rarely discussed as a serious mental health condition. And seldom do we take the time to uncover and fully understand its fundamental root causes. The journey towards addiction is often multi-layered and complex. But, by recognising what lies beneath addiction, we can help remove the taboo and shame that sadly surrounds it.

Our CEO, Penny Williams says that, “Since the pandemic, more people are understanding of mental health and how alcohol and drugs are used to self-medicate, but there is still a stigma attached to those experiencing addiction. The current cost of living crisis will, unfortunately, only accelerate the reliance on alcohol and drugs to simply get through each day. At Kenward Trust we offer hope to those seeking help with addiction and provide a programme for recovery, as everyone deserves a second chance.”

For more information about the services we offer and how we can help you and/or your loved one, please visit our Residential Rehabilitation page.


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