Recovery Plus Program

What is Recovery Plus?

Recovery Plus is a comprehensive support program aimed at fostering the ongoing well-being of our community members who have completed the Kenward Program. It goes beyond traditional aftercare by offering regular Zoom calls and quarterly meetups, creating a nurturing space for individuals to share their experiences and continue their recovery journeys.

Regular Zoom Calls

Providing a convenient and accessible platform for ongoing support, these virtual sessions will serve as a crucial link for individuals to connect, share, and support each other.

Quarterly Meetups

In-person gatherings held at Kenward Trust will offer a tangible and supportive environment for community members to come together, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Peer Support

Recovery Plus places a strong emphasis on the power of peer support. By sharing experiences, individuals can draw strength and inspiration from one another, creating a community built on understanding and empathy.

Reducing Relapse

With the overarching goal of reducing relapse rates, the program focuses on providing tools, resources and a network of support that empowers individuals to navigate the challenges of their ongoing recovery journeys.

Get in touch by calling 07597 040091 or emailing