Michael Bourne, Head of Resettlement
I am the Head of Resettlement at Kenward Trust and oversee the Trusts Stage 2 and Stage 3 resettlement accommodation, as well as future developments around move on. I have over twenty years' experience working in housing and homelessness services across Kent and Medway.
Before this role, I worked for Pathways to Independence for over 8 years as Head of Support, overseeing the development of supported accommodation and community-based outreach projects for single homeless people including rough sleepers and ex-offenders.
Prior to this I worked for the Kenward Trust for nearly 5 years as Head of Resettlement being responsible for move on, homeless services, social enterprise and the offender services (including RESET).
I also have worked for Porchlight for nearly 5 years setting up and managing the West Kent Outreach service for Rough Sleepers and worked for Moat Homes managing the Colebrook Road homeless hostel for rough sleepers for 6 years plus 2 as a Support Worker.
Until recently was a trustee for Choices Domestic Abuse charity for 14 years and currently sit on the Mosaic Resource Centre management committee in Tunbridge Wells which formerly ran the winter night shelter, of which I have been a member for 6 years. I was also the management committee that set up the inaugural winter shelter in Tunbridge Wells.