Gill Gibb, Chair
I retired from the role of CEO of Tree of Hope in November 2023 after 8 years, leaving the organisation in great shape financially and governance wise with a strong staff team and with the financial incompetencies I had inherited upon joining (a £1.5m debt) almost completely repaid. I felt I had achieved all I wanted and that it was time to focus on what was right for me personally.
I have passionately led many charities, including Tree of Hope, which supported all families that needed funding to get operations, therapies and equipment for their children to make life-changing and sometimes life-saving differences to their lives. I was proud to have earned Tree of Hope the status of trusted partner of the NHS and the health sector, fundraising for those services the health sector cannot fund, and we were influential in helping to get previously unfunded operations and drugs funded by proving positive outcomes: I believe in working together and collaboration to get the best outcomes for everyone.
I am renowned for my professionalism, integrity and knowledge of the sector and have run a sector CEOs group providing mutual advice and help across Kent. I have a wealth of knowledge across all sectors that is trusted and reliable and I take an open and honest approach in all my work both as an executive and non-executive. I will always help whenever I can and am often approached for career advice, mentoring and coaching which I will always try to do if I can add value.