Kenward Trust’s Cascade workshops build ‘huge respect’ with students

Kenward Trust’s youth prevention team delivers unique workshops called Cascade; a 10 week training course providing vital information and education about the risks associated with drugs and alcohol to pupils in years 12 and 13 in order for them to become trained as peer mentors to pupils in years 7 and 8. 

Rhiannon Easton, Deputy Head of Upper School at West Heath School says: “Since Kenward Trust’s workshops have been delivered at West Heath School, no other workshop has been able to live up to the quality and realness of the Cascade Team. Andy Watson’s delivery and the content he uses with our young people is unmeasurable.

Each week the students ask more and more in-depth questions and have a huge respect for Andy for every hurdle and challenge he has faced. The students' vulnerabilities and level of understanding puts them at risk everyday, however they have learnt so many strategies from the workshops about how to make better choices.

We can not thank him enough for the fantastic relationships he builds with each and everyone of our students. Andy is a credit to the Team and makes the workshops so relatable and beneficial to a student's development for moving onto their young adult lives. The students will miss the workshops and Andy immensely.”

Students receiving Casade Certificates of achievement at West Heath School

For more information about our Cascade project and what Kenward Trust offers, please visit the Youth Work section of our website.


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