BNI Pioneer Golf Day raises £550 for Kenward Trust
Left John Lovell, organiser and Joe Ward, President BNI Pioneer
Despite the rain on Friday 20th May, the BNI Pioneer Chapter jumped in their golf buggies or walked the Marriott Tudor Golf Course, Maidstone and raised a whopping £550 for Kenward Trust Charity.
Kenward Trust, based in Yalding, Kent, is a residential drug and alcohol recovery project offering a supported residential environment for men and women. They deliver a therapeutic programme incorporating recovery focussed group work, counselling/art psychotherapy, social enterprise and education sessions and the 12 Steps programme too.
Jon Lovell, Visual Support powered by SightCall who hosted the charity golf day says: ‘BNI is not just about making money and obtaining business, it’s about creating a community of people who genuinely want to help each other. No more is this evident than when people brave the storm and contribute to a golf day in aid of our Chapters charity, Kenward Trust. Keep up all the good work Kenward Trust, we believe in you.’
Penny Williams, CEO of Kenward Trust has been a member of Pioneer Chapter of BNI for 2 years. They have met consistently post lockdown every Friday morning at Edenwood at Bluebell Hill. “The members have listened to our struggles of running our drug and alcohol rehab and having to close Kenward Place activities (conferences, alpaca walks, archery and disc golf) throughout Covid, albeit online networking or at the physical meet-ups.
We are thrilled at the level of support from BNI, we have so many key projects and rely wholly on funding and fundraising events such as this…. We have all been touched by the effects of drugs or alcohol abuse in some shape or form through friends or family. So, we really do appreciate and thank BNI for their ongoing work and fundraising for Kenward.”
Additionally, a group of 5 BNI Pioneer members have signed up to do a Skydive to raise more for Kenward Trust - David, Daniel, Elle, Jake and Neil are all members and together they have offered to do a skydive to raise money for Kenward Trust. To sponsor and find out more here: