A Classic Turn Out at Kenward Trust
Sunday 4 June saw Kenward’s very first Classics and Coffee event - a monthly classic vehicles meet up!

What a Success for the return of Walk On The Wild Side!
The return of our Walk On The Wild Side event proved to be a huge success with families turning up to explore our nature activities, stalls and rides!

BNI Pioneer Golf Day raises £550 for Kenward Trust
BNI Pioneer Chapter jumped in their golf buggies or walked the Marriott Tudor Golf Course, Maidstone and raised a whopping £550 for Kenward Trust Charity.

Bake Sale Inspiration
Tips and inspiration for holding your own Bake Sale in aid of Kenward Trust

Kenward has partnered with KM Big Bike Ride 2022!
Kenward Trust are delighted to have partnered with KM Big Bike Ride 2022! Taking place on Sunday 24 April 2022, riders…